What is water?

Episode 1: What is water?

To kick things off, we've decided to start with the basics of water, the basics being, what is it?

Show notes

Introducing WhollyH2O's very first episode of H2whOa! A podcast about water! Each episode includes two experts: scientist and artist, and takes a deep dive into the intricacies of H2O.

This week, Dr. Richard Saykally from UC Berkeley's chemistry department and Israeli artist Moses Hacmon tackle the big question of "What is water?" In this first episode, we're exploring what makes water, well... water!

Visit our website: https://whollyh2o.org for more information


Ted Hullar

Ted Hullar

Dr. Ted Hullar’s research in Atmospheric Science at UC Davis focuses on understanding chemical reactions in snow and ice.

Dr. Elizabeth Dougherty

Dr. Elizabeth Dougherty

Since 2003, Dr. Elizabeth Dougherty has delved into a wide range of work relating to water conservation. Seeing a need to centralize water conservation efforts, Elizabeth founded Wholly H2O.


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